Disease Control and Immunizations

The Rolette County Public Health District provides immunizations for vaccine-preventable diseases to all ages according to the recommendations from the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention.

To schedule an immunization appointment, call the Rolette County Public Health District at (701) 477-5646.

Immunization Schedules

CDC logo

These schedules, provided by the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, list the age or age range when each vaccine or series of shots is recommended. If your child (birth through 6 years old) or adolescent (age 7 through 18 years old) has missed any shots, consult the catch-up schedule AND check with your doctor about getting back on track.

North Dakota Legendary logo

North Dakota Department of Health supplies free vaccines for children who are eligible for the Vaccines For Children (VFC) program.

They coordinate investigations of vaccine-preventable diseases along with providing education about immunizations and vaccine-preventable diseases.

They monitor the state immunization rates and maintain and update the North Dakota Immunization Information System. Visit the website to learn more.

School Immunization Requirements

Diseases & Conditions

An extensive list of disease topics with links to disease information provided by the North Dakota Department of Health.