Environmental Health

The Environmental Health Program is responsible for health and safety inspections to enforce state public health laws and local regulations. Responsibilities include air quality control, water quality, onsite sewer inspections, school inspections, nuisance complaints, recreational sanitation inspections for park/camp grounds, swimming pool and spa inspections, tanning facility inspections, body art/tattoo facility inspections, radon gas exposure assessments/mitigation. Training and education are incorporated into the above programs based on individual and community needs.

Forms & Health Regulations
For a complete list of current licensed sewer contractors
please contact Lake Region Public Health 701-662-7035

Attention Homeowners

Permits are required in Rolette County for all On-Site Sewage Treatment Systems (septic systems) prior to ANY CONSTRUCTION OR ALTERATION. Permits are required before work on new or existing septic systems can begin. The permit is required for all residences that are not hooked into municipal sewer. For a permit or additional information contact: Rolette County Public Health District, 114 3rd St NE, PO Box 726, Rolla, ND 58367; (701) 477-5646 or the Environmental Health Division at (701) 662-7035.

For a complete list of Forms, Links, and Health Regulations Information: Please visit the Lake Region District Health Unit Environmental Health Page.

Lake Region District Health Unit Environmental Health